What I’m Passionate About
Uplifting and empowering messages from spirit to keep you in tune with your inner truth
Preparing nourishing plant-based meals filled with living nutrients straight from mother earth
Supporting Gaia’s ascension journey by adopting simple lifestyle changes in harmony with nature
Healing subconscious wounds, accessing higher levels of consciousness, embracing mission
About Simone
I awakened to divine love and my inner truth on August 8, 2017, a few days before a powerful solar eclipse that rapidly accelerated my spiritual evolution. Since my awakening, I have remembered and reclaimed spiritual gifts from past lives including hands-on healing, channeling, divination, and working with plant medicines. Earth Wisdom Fire is a platform to serve others with my love, wisdom, healing, and knowledge. I am passionate about inspiring others to pursue their dreams, to heal themselves, and to fulfill their spiritual mission.
I identify as black, queer, neurodivergent, autistic, adhd, etc. Solidarity with all oppressed people and beings on earth, I am your sibling and keeper, I am deeply committed to the struggle for our collective liberation.
I have been plant-based and ethically vegan for over a decade now. I used a plant-based diet to heal myself of many conditions doctors had no solutions for besides a pill, including cystic acne, severe and frequent migraines, hair loss, insomnia, and depression. I’m still on this healing journey and would love to have you along for the ride as I experiment with new methods of self-healing.
I have always been insatiably curious and am walking my path as a lifelong learner. Since discovering that I’m a projector in the Human Design system, I’ve fully embraced my ability to dive deep and quickly understand topics that allow me to guide others accurately. My areas of interest are meditation, philosophy, herbalism, quantum physics, astrology, psychology, mathematics, literature, and cinema. If you want to hear me nerd out about any of these topics, stay tuned for my upcoming projects!